– NES Staffing Solutions – Nationwide Employment Solutions

As a current college first-year, the prospect of having to go out into the world and find a job is pretty intimidating. I don’t really know much about the process for submitting credentials, creating a resume, and interviewing for a job; however, I assume that in a few years this will be crucial information. NES Staffing helps to expedite that process and make it easier for those with little to no job experience find an occupation. The great thing about NES Staffing is their affordable prices. If I was currently on the market looking for a job, they would be a great resource for me to find a job that fits me well.

NES Staffing is a great vantage from which people can draw a perspective that helps them to work toward their prospective job.

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Power Properties Dallas

If you’re in the Dallas area, then Power Properties Dallas is who you’ll want to turn to. They’ve got a great process of finding the perfect apartment for you in the Dallas area. After checking out Power Properties Dallas a bit, it’s really great that they’re finding so many people quality homes for prices that they can afford.

My dad lives in an apartment and I remember before he was living there that it was really difficult finding the place. If we were in Dallas, Power Properties Dallas would have been really helpful. I wish we had this when we were searching!

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YMT! Your Man Tours!

Today, I just had to log on and write about this amazing opportunity (Your Man Tours) I just found. I was searching the web when I came across Your Man Tours. It seems like a pretty cool touring program where you can go anywhere from Europe to Hawaii or Alaska for incredibly affordable prices. For example, the Hawaii trip is a 15 day tour for $1300!!

My biological grandfather actually lives in Hawaii so I definitely have to tell my mother about Your Man Tours. I think she would be really excited about not only being able to see her birth father but also getting to tour Hawaii for 15 days all the while enjoying the the sights, the sounds, and the beautiful beaches. 🙂

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SRC Leads

I wonder if whoever is following my blog has ever heard of SRC Leads. If you’re at all in need of sales leads, then they’re the ones you’ll want to go to. Survey Resource Center (SRC) Leads had been around for over a decade and, from what I hear, they work diligently with their clients to provide files that are current, productive and cost effective.

Their services are nationwide and they guarantee a 100% connect, a six month exclusive, AND 100% money back guarantee! It seems to me that with SRC Leads you get all of the benefits without any risk to your wallet, really. 🙂

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RENEW International

I’m not a Catholic and I often have a hard time writing about anything that endorses religious gropus. However, this one particular organization (RENEW International) is pretty extraordinary. They stand for promoting spiritual renewal in the Catholic tradition by encouraging communities to have a relationship with God in everyday life and to gain a deeper appreciation for their faith. However, RENEW International doesn’t just want to educate their own people, but also to get them active in their communities. And improve the quality of living for everyone.

What RENEW International is doing: improving the communities, united by a common interest, even though it is a religious group, it’s great that they’re coming together to act selflessly.

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My family and I have really been trying to get around to remodeling our house for a while now. We were having friends over from El Paso, Texas and we finally got around to getting some of the work done. We completely removed everything from our basement and got it all out of the house and to the front lawn. Now we really don’t know what to do with it. Well, that’s not the point. If we had the help of K-Designers, I certain that our work would have been done much faster.
With really affordable prices, K-Designers is a great place to get your home re-done. I would HIGHLY suggest K-Designers for any home projects. 🙂

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Harley SwiftDeer Reagan

Harley SwiftDeer Reagan is a teacher and healer who has background in philosophy, psychology, religion, martial arts, and ancient mystery school traditions. His martial arts teaching and other subjects mentioned before are taught through Ten-No-Kishi dojo in Scottsdale, Arizona. Harley SwiftDeer Reagan has studied with the “Twisted Hairs,” a collective group of teachers–somewhat of medicine men and women from other tribes in the area.

Personally, his work seems interesting to me because of my Cherokee roots. I’ve always been interested in martial arts and spirituality without religious basis. What Harley SwiftDeer Reagan is doing is really great. I think because it combines the spirituality and thinking of philosophy and religion with the strength of martial arts and Native American tradition, Harley SwiftDeer Reagan’s work is so great.

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Deer Tribe Metis Medicine Society

When I first came across the Deer Tribe Metis Medicine Society, it immediately reminded me of Harley SwiftDeer. Their methods of the ancient art of Twisted Hair medicine men and women spiritual healing intrigued me. I really support their cause because they, through their teaching, lectures, workshops, classes, publications and learning tools are fighting against ignorance, slavery, bigotry, racism, war, disease among other things.

To provide the future with beauty, power, knowledge and freedom is truly an invaluable quest. Along with their Twister Hair methods, Deer Tribe Metis Medicine Society also has programs for physical mastery to increase longevity and heighten awareness. If the closest Deer Tribe Metis Medicine Society wasn’t about 500 miles from my house, I would definitely go and see what kind of programs they offer and learn more about their methods first-hand.

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Mohammed Babangida’s Music of Africa

If you haven’t heard of Mohammed Babangida, you should definitely check him out! Mohammed Babangida is a Nigerian blog writer that discusses the assorted styles of music that have origins in Africa. Looking into him a bit, I would that his focus is mainly jazz, ragtime, and swing. I don’t know about you, but I’m really waiting for swing dancing to come back so I can learn to do all of those crazy dance moves.

Jazz has always had a special place in my heart because my mother used to play classical jazz on the piano when I was younger. Mohammed Babangida evokes in me the memories of my past and takes me away to a foreign land of drums and savannas. Like a little lost lad, his blog on jazz, ragtime and other forms of music, make me take a step back to allow myself a clean slate to reconsider the origins of popular music styles.

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American Tax Relief: Just what the doctor ordered.

American Tax Relief is here to help alleviate the stresses that people are experiencing because of our current economic situation. Because of inflation, recession, stagnant wages, and rising cost of living, there needs to be some relief somewhere. American Tax Relief is a nationwide firm that specializes in helping people resolve tax liabilities through a number of settlement methods.

I’m not paying taxes yet, but I know my parents (especially my dad) are usually stressed around April 15th trying to get their taxes paid and such. Though they usually get everything paid on time, that’s not always a possibility for everyone. So, if you’re having trouble meeting those deadlines or paying your taxes, then you should probably contact American Tax Relief at 1-800-TAX-HELP for a free consultation.

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